3 23 Khmer and Cham

DBMM v1.1

240AP Khmer Empire 1185AD by Dave Mather

C-in-C "Reg" El (O) - 18ME (King Jayavarman VII)
3 x Irr El (O)
1 x Irr El (X)
4 x Irr Ax (O)
2 x Reg Ps(I)
1 x Reg Bw (O)
1 x Reg Cv (O)
2 x Irr Bts (S)
1 x Irr Bg (F) (army baggage)

Sub general Reg Cv (O) - 16.5ME (Prince Indravarman)
6 x Reg Ax (S)
2 x Reg Bd (F)
5 x Reg Ps(O) can support Ax(S)
1 x Reg Ax (O)
1 x Reg Ps (I)
1 x Irr Bg (I) (army baggage - dump ;-)

Army baggage -2ME as above

Ally General - Irr El (I) 7.5ME -sh!! dont tell Waynes wife (Po Khun Sri Naw
Namthom ) - although Po Khun Kon Tenshus may have been more appropriate
3 x Irr Wb (F)
1 x Irr Cv (I)
1 x Irr Bg(I)
this command is illegal and needed a rules amendment to legitimise it
- Total ME - 44

Dice allocation - first 2 games - C-in-C high - sub low - (because the ally may
be unreliable- he wasnt but...) changed to averaging in final game

Terrain choice - defended in all 3 games - deployed 1st in all 3 games - Lake, 1
x GH, 1 x 1/2 Wd, 1 x 1/2 SF

Future thoughts - seperating the Els from the Ax(S) wasnt a good idea - likely
look at 2 commands mixing the 2 - having got a copy of the armies of Angkor
(thanks those that recommended) its more accurate anyway.

I reckon for 400AP 2 commands of El/Ax(S) some sort of small 3rd reg command
(pip dump) and the ally with 6 Wb(F) and 1 Cv(I) which would be legal

DBMM v1.0

1. Cham, 400AP, c 1080AD, DBMM Lists by Tim Montgomery


The Cham army consisted of 4 commands. The CinC (King Harivarman IV)

with long shielded foot (AxS), elephants and some Cham archers. The

SG in command of the Dvarak and Moi hill tribesmen (WbF and PsO), a

Viet ally with some Chinese style blade and bow, ten circuit AxI and

BwI and some regional troops (AxO and PsO). There was also a small

Cham ally from Panduranga of elephants, spearmen and Ps. I did not

bring the Cham ElX as it has yet to be painted.