approx 400AP, DBM lists, by Bruce Norbeck
Left Flank: CinC Reg Kn (F), 3xReg Kn (F), 2xReg Cv (O) Thessalians, 1xReg Cv (I) Greeks, 3xReg LH (O) Greek mercenaries, 2xIrr El (O), 4xIrr Ax (S) Thracians. This command ended up doing pretty much nothing at all for the entire battle, except to advance; the Thracians stayed in the rear lines, drinking wine & having a good laugh at the silly Macedonians & Greeks who were paying them to do nothing.
Center: Subgeneral Reg Kn (F), 12xReg Pk (S), 8xReg Pk (O), 8xReg Ps (O) Cretan archers, 1xReg Art (S) stone thrower, all army baggage.
Right Flank: Subgeneral Reg Kn (F), 12xReg Ax (O), 6xIrr Sp (O), 8xIrr Ps (S), 1 Reg Art (S) stone thrower
In case anyone is wondering: the stone throwers were included because I don't have any boltshooters, & because I had to find a way to add 20 more points to the army. They proved to be a complete waste of APs, as they only fired 1 shot the entire game.
2. 400AP, DBM Lists, by Chris Jolley
in C Reg Kn (F) SBW
3 Thracians Irr Kn (I) SBW
8 Phalanx Reg Pk (O)
14 Hoplites Irr Sp (O)
1 Javelinmen Irr Ps (I)
(32.5 ME / disheartened on 8.5 / broke on 11 / shattered on 16.5)
Sub general Reg Kn (F) SBW
1 Thracian Irr LH (O)
12 Phalanx Reg Pk (O)
4 Greek Mercenaries Reg Pk (O)
4 Greek Mercenaries Reg Ax (O)
8 Persian archers / slingers Irr Ps (O)
2 Javelinmen Irr Ps (I)
2 Elephants Irr El (O)
(32 / 8.5 / 11 / 16.5)
Sub general Reg Kn (F) SBW
4 Xystophori Reg Kn (F) SBW
4 Thracians Irr LH (O)
(16 / 4.5 / 5.5 / 8.5)
Total 80.5 ME breaks on 40.5.
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