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2 15 Alexandrian Imperial

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago

 1. 400AP by Lee Rygate


CinC Kn(F) wedge, 5 or 6 Kn(F) wedges, 2 El(O), an assortment of Cv(O)

Bactrians (were Lh(S) in DBM IIRC), Lh(O), Ps and Ax

Sub-Gen as Kn(F) wedge, 8 Pk(S), 16 (?) Pk(O), 6(?) Reg Sp(O), 2 Command


Sub-Gen as Kn(F) wedge, 1 Kn(F), 3 Lh(F), some Ps(S) and (O) and Ax(O)


NB Straight conversion from DBM list so most probably sub-optimal


2. 400AP by David tmht


Command 1: Alexander (brilliant KnF general)

5xKnF wedges, 2xiLHF Skythians and 8xiAxS Thracians; 24ME

Command 2: 16xPkO; 4xPkS; 1xKnF General; 24ME

Command 3: 2xElO; 6xiLHO; 6xPsS; 4xPsO; 3xiCvO; 1xKnF General; 22ME


3. 400AP, Draft DBMM lists, by David tmht

Alexander Lord of Asia:

Companions (4xKnF), Prodromoi (2xLhS), Hyspaspits (6xAxS),

Agrianians/Macedonians (4xPsS/O), Hippakontistai (4xiLhO), Greek

Cavalry (1xCvI), Thracian (1xiAxS): 28ME


Phalangites (20xPkO), Thracians (4xiAxS): 28ME

My good self:

Thessalians (4xCvO), Paionians (2xLhO), Thracians (5xiAxS), Greek

peltasts (2xAxO): 16ME

Alexander was a KnF, the other two generals were CvO.

Also, the 6 iLhO (allowed in 329BC) were split into 4 asiatic and 2

Paionian rather than the 3:3 as suggested by the list.

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